Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009


You have known the dangers of cigarettes that can disrupt the respiratory, cancer and heart disease, but the danger of cigarettes was also an impact on the hair.

There is a scientis check and mention that the cigarette smoke can cause of baldness and grizzled hair quickly. They revealed that the toxic smoke (cigarettes) can damage the gland (pit) of hair and hormones (growth) of hair. Research has been proved with the BMJ report, 600 men and women that some of them are smokers, faster have grizzled hair than they who do not smoke.

In the year 2007, has examined as many as 740 people in Taiwan, aged around 40 to 91 years, where the average of male Asian have lower level of baldness hereditarily.
After examined from the family anchestry, the researchers found the level of baldness hair occurred in smokers who continue to smoke cigarettes.

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